Julia's Blog

How to Stay Positive in the Current Lockdown, and Beyond!

I was a guest speaker at the Creative Women Live Webinar "Our New Reality - Present and Future" on 28nd May 2020 and had the pleasure to speak on the TOPIC – How to Stay Positive in the Current Lockdown, and Beyond!

SPEAKER – Julia Castelli – Treasure Hunter, Founder and Director of Julia Castelli Lifestyle Management, a luxury goods and services intermediary. Public Speaker and Life and Business Coach.
I shared with the international audience of Creative Women a few very practical tools and strategies on how to stay positive during this time, to create the experience we want and need during this unprecedented time, and beyond. While we don't have control over so much of what's going on in the world, we DO HAVE CONTROL over what's going on in OUR world. And that means…
Focusing on Gratitude every day for those things in your life that are blessings - and we all have them if we just look.
Following a morning routine every day to ensure you are taking care of yourself - before anyone else.
Completing an evening ritual to wrap your day up with positivity and grace.
It was an uplifting, humorous, authentic conversation.

I left everyone with the below strategies:

Top 10 Strategies for Staying Positive in the Current Lockdown, and Beyond!
Remember, a negative mind will never give you a positive life.
Do not chase the Happily Ever After as Happiness is just a Mood; But Positivity is a Mindset.

To stay positive:

  • Create your own Morning Routine.
  • Tell yourself "I love You" in the mirror every day.
  • Dress to make yourself feel good
  • Shower and take care of your skin
  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Exercise
  • Eat healthy, organic food
  • Keep a tidy work space
  • Evening Ritual of Self Care

I focused in detail on the benefits of the Gratitude Journal:

  • Keeps track of what's working in your life
  • Helps you feel calmer
  • Gain clarity on what you want to have more in your life
  • Focus on what really matters to you
  • Become more self-aware
  • Prepares you to deal with the rough patches ahead
  • Lowers stress levels
  • A place for total honesty
  • Attracts more positive and good people to you

If you let the positive change in your life, it will change your life!
To book a session with me in order to go more in detail on my strategies and tools click below

Love Thyself: How to Practice Self-Love and Increa...


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